Pennsylvania Birth Injury Attorneys
Tens of Millions Recovered for Injury Victims Since 1922
If your baby was harmed or injured after a difficult birth, your hospital should be held responsible for your child's lifelong needs—which often come with costs in the six- or seven-figure range. The average lifetime cost of a birth injury is $941,000 to $3 million. The CDC estimates that the average lifetime cost of raising a child with cerebral palsy is $1 million; most families simply can't afford to provide for a child with a birth injury.
Having a child with a permanent disability due to a birth injury leaves parents with serious questions. How do they pay for special education resources? How do they afford adding accommodations to their home, or hiring around-the-clock caretakers? Most importantly, how would their child survive if something happened to his/her parents? Our Harrisburg birth injury lawyers can answer those questions for you.
Since 1922, Handler, Henning & Rosenberg has stood up for the injured and harmed. Our team of investigators, litigators, and medical experts want to give your child the best possible future. Call (888) 498-3023 to learn how.
Poor Hospital Care Is the Leading Cause of Birth Injury
Has your baby been diagnosed with Cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, or brain damage that occurred during the pregnancy or birth? You're not alone. Cerebral palsy is the most common childhood mobility disorder throughout the United States. General brain damage from asphyxia during delivery might be as common as 1 in 100 births, according to the American Journal of Neuroradiology.
The BMJ reports that medical mistakes are the 3rd-leading cause of death for babies.
The fact is, your doctors and nurses know that they might have been able to prevent your baby's harm. They will not admit mistakes made during your delivery because they're afraid of being held responsible for their poor decisions. Hospitals will never take responsibility for your child's condition unless they're forced to under oath. Our team is experienced in investigating and litigating birth injury cases. We have the experience you need to navigate through this difficult and complicated process.
Other Causes of Birth Injuries
Other factors may contribute to a delayed birth. When a baby's delivery is delayed, the baby loses access to oxygen or blood for too much time. If delivery lasts too long, the brain can suffer damage from which there is no recovery. Oxygen deprivation could also occur if a baby is underweight, has under-developed lungs, or has a prolapsed umbilical cord.
Factors that lead to birth injuries include:
- The weight of the baby
- Premature birth
- Irregular position of the baby at birth
- Size of mother’s pelvis
Another common source of birth injuries is blunt force trauma. During a difficult birth, doctors may decide to use forceps, vacuums, pressure, and other tools to facilitate birth. However, if medical professionals misuse these tools, the baby could be subjected to force that causes permanent injury.
Sometimes birth injuries are unavoidable. However, medical malpractice is often to blame for harm caused during birth. Doctors are trained to recognize and diagnose problems as they are happening. A failure to respond appropriately to specific situations can cause permanent injury to a child. Doctors have sworn an oath to protect patients. When they fail to do so, they must face the consequences.
As personal injury lawyers, our job is to make sure your child has everything they need for the rest of their life. Our job is to make sure that the people who sentenced your child to a lifetime of struggle and risk are held accountable for it. Most importantly, our job is to help you understand what you can do to help your baby live a long, fulfilling life.
Types of Birth Injuries
Cerebral Palsy
This diagnosis involves a complex brain injury caused by lack of oxygen to the brain or by infection. This injury can cause cognitive deficits, seizures, spasticity in the arms or legs, inability to eat and, in very severe cases, inability to breathe without the assistance of a ventilator. The causes of cerebral palsy are many and varied. A significant number of babies have cerebral palsy because of mistakes during prenatal office visits and/or during the labor and delivery process.
Brachial Plexus Palsy
The nerves of a baby’s arm run from the neck, under the shoulder, through the armpit and down the arm. These nerves can be torn during delivery such that the child is left with a permanent disability in movement and growth of the arm, hand or shoulder. This is a brachial plexus injury ("Erb’s Palsy") and is often caused by negligence during childbirth.
Symptoms of brachial plexus include:
- Lack of muscle control
- Limp limbs
- A claw-like hand posture
- Partial or complete paralysis of the arm
A child’s recovery depends on the extent of damage caused during delivery. In some cases, symptoms will dissipate on their own in just a few weeks. In other cases, they'll need physical therapy to help with recovery. If no significant progress occurs after a few months of physical therapy, surgery may be necessary. During brachial plexus surgery, doctors use another muscle or tendon from the body to restore blood flow to the nerves. This process may or may not “wake them up” and restore all or parts of their functionality.
Other Birth-Related Injuries
During childbirth, instruments which are used to assist the delivery of the baby can cause skull fractures, bleeding in the baby’s brain, spinal cord injuries or facial scarring. Additionally, certain drugs administered by the doctor or nurse during labor can cause injuries to the mother if not properly monitored and controlled (for example, rupture of the uterus; and abruption or tearing of the placenta). Sometimes, these birth injuries are caused by medical negligence.
Birth injuries often include:
- Brachial Plexus Injuries
- C-Section Injuries
- Cerebral Palsy
- Erb's Palsy
- Fetal Distress
- Head Cooling
- Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy
- Infant Brain Damage
- Infant Wrongful Death
- Injuries to Mothers
- Kernicterus
- Preeclampsia
- Shoulder Dystocia
- Vacuum & Forceps Injuries
Birth Injury FAQ
Are Birth Injuries Preventable?
Sometimes birth injuries are not preventable, but they often occur because a medical professional failed to follow their training. In the United States, research estimates that about 6-8 birth injuries happen for every 1,000 live births. To make matters worse, medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the United States. If your child suffered during delivery, it’s time to secure the help of a birth injury attorney as soon as possible.
What Is a Birth Injury?
A birth injury is any injury a child suffers before, after, or during delivery. Birth injuries are not always obvious, and a child can take years to show symptoms caused by a birth injury. Birth injuries are difficult because they add unexpected financial strain to families who are already managing a significant change in their lives.
How Can a Birth Injury Lawyer Help?
Birth injury lawyers help parents find the resources and help that they need to make their child’s life as comfortable as possible. When a physician, nurse, technician, or any other medical worker causes an injury, they are freed from accountability by the army of lawyers that hospitals keep on their staff. These lawyers make up a legal machine that works to intimidate patients, limit liability, and reduce settlements as much as possible. A birth injury attorney can help fight for your child’s right to live a comfortable life. No family should be forced to suffer because of the negligence of a medical professional, and compensation is likely available from the negligent parties who harmed your child. A birth injury attorney will fight for the compensation that your child needs for medical care, and any other costs associated with your child’s needs.
Serving Carlisle, Hanover, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Schuylkill County & York. Call (888) 498-3023 for Your Free Consultation!
Birth injuries require immediate and extensive care. At Handler, Henning & Rosenberg, we utilize a century of legal experience to make sure our clients' babies get everything they need for the rest of their lives. When you contact us, you get a team of seasoned legal professionals. We have helped thousands recover settlements for their injuries and losses, as well as their pain and suffering. Tell Handler, Henning & Rosenberg about your child's birth injury case. We want to give your family the best chance for a bright future, which begins with understanding your legal options. One free phone call could give you the answers you're looking for.
Call (888) 498-3023 to set up a free consultation with our caring team.
HHR: A Family Story
Handler, Henning & Rosenberg has always been a family business. It's been 100 years, and if we look into the future another 100 years, we still see our family helping yours. We've been around for this long for a reason: we care about our clients and our communities, and every person at our firm does everything they can to help every client we represent.

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