Roundup Makers Tried to Sneak Litigation Shield Into Farm Bill

At this moment, there’s a bill sitting in Congress that would let Bayer off the hook for all future harm caused to victims of Roundup exposure—and they helped write it.

Bayer, which has been trying to shield itself from Roundup lawsuits since it bought Monsanto in 2018, helped lawmakers write a portion of a bill that would retroactively make EPA-approved warning labels sufficient warning for consumers. In other words, EPA-approved labels would serve as a liability shield for Bayer and other chemical manufacturers.

Their argument in court thus far has been that Roundup was tested by the Environmental Protection Agency and “proven safe.” As a result, the label approved by the EPA is enough warning for consumers. The advantage for Bayer—and the disadvantage for plaintiffs—is that these labels do not mention the cancer risk from Roundup (glyphosate) exposure.

Bayer continues to deny that their product causes cancer. The manufacturer has introduced similar bills in Missouri and Iowa, where farmers use Roundup on millions of acres of crops. Traces of glyphosate have been detected in the food supply, which Monsanto once insisted wasn’t possible.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has labeled glyphosate “probably carcinogenic to humans,” the second-strongest warning on their scale.

Bayer Owns Roundup—They Also Own Roundup’s Consequences

Farmers will continue to use Roundup because it’s cheap and effective at creating higher crop yields. Continued usage means future generations will continue to suffer from glyphosate exposure, and the only recourse they’ll have is to recover their losses from the entity responsible: Bayer. If Bayer gets lawmakers to let them off the hook now, it’ll have disastrous consequences for thousands of people now and in the future.

Ultimately, Bayer bought Monsanto for Roundup, its most profitable product. It’s only right that they take ownership of the costs, including the losses suffered by farmworkers, families, and residents exposed to it regularly. They’re lobbying for this bill for a simple reason: after decades of invulnerability, they finally started losing in court. For as long as plaintiffs need an advocate, the Roundup attorneys at Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC will fight for them to get back on their feet.

If you developed cancer from Roundup exposure, call (888) 498-3023 or contact us online for a free consultation. Let’s discuss your legal options and help you take the next step.

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